Study Case


A k-music company engaged in the entertainment sector (platform music) is carrying out a major overhaul of its music platform which includes the appearance and structure of the system. Company X is the owner of a music platform that provides a variety of music selection services, both free and paid. However, company X has experienced a decline in revenue since 1 year ago and the Product Manager asks you to make a research plan regarding this problem by using the interview method with users.


Create an application-based music application with the features needed by targeted users, namely the age range of 13-40 years.

Desain Proses

Desain Proses

User Pesona

User Pesona

User Journey Map

User Journey Map



Design System

Design System


Low Fidelity Wireframe


Usability Testing

After making mockups and prototypes, then usability testing is carried out. I used a maze and invited 4 people to do this test. The scenario is to place the order until checkout is successful.

Desain Proses

During testing I also record when the user tries the prototype so that I can see the habits or reactions of the user when using the application. After users finish trying the application, I conduct a post-test interview session with the aim of knowing the experience they have had

Here are the findings that could improve the app from testers:

need improvement


From the user testing that I have carried out, I have come to the conclusion that I have learned to accept criticism and suggestions from various angles and correct errors or design flaws that I have made and get feedback to improve features so that the application becomes more practical and easy to use when released.

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Font Size




